Supplies List
Cello Materials
Cello Rental: You will need to set up a monthly rental. Ideally you will need a full size cello for the first month of parent lessons, and thereafter a small size cello for your child. Please contact Lucas Marvell at Bloomington String Instruments or Stephan Schock ( to inquire about rentals and to get the proper size for your child. (~$50/month)
Cello Chair: It needs to be flat, adjustable, and have legs that can accept an endpin strap. It's also preferable if the seat is wide and doesn't spin. Some good options include: "Grow With Me", or Adjustrite Junior Stool. (~$75-$150)
Rosin: This will often come with your cello rental. If you do purchase some, just make sure that it is cello rosin (not bass or violin!). And feel free to have fun with it! (~$5-25)
Endpin Strap to keep the cello end pin from sliding (~$15)
Twinklebow a small lighter bow that we will use before transitioning to a larger bow (~$55)
Suzuki Book 1 Cello Music and Recording You can buy these together (Book and CD) or purchase them separately (Music Book and MP3 recordings). (MP3 recordings purchased on Amazon can only be listened to through their app and are not available to be used by other apps. You might consider purchasing MP3s another way as we will use AnyTune app to slow down and adjust recordings.) (~$20)
Various Other Materials: Including poster board, stickers, markers, etc.
AnyTune This free app will allow you to slow down a recording or the accompaniment so that you can practice with it at different speeds.
Tuning App: This is necessary for tuning your cello. I love Tonal Energy Tuner ($3.99) because it's fun and includes both a tuner and a metronome which can be used together. Other good tuners are: insTuner ($3.99), ClearTune ($3.99); Pano Tuner is very simple and FREE!
Documents and Charts
Bloomington Suzuki Cello Studio Terms and Agreement please acknowledge that you have read and agree to these terms.
Cello Fingering Geography Chart This is a handy chart to navigate the notes on the cello
Books, Videos, Blogs, etc.
Nurtured By Love by Shinichi Suzuki
Helping Parents Practice by Ed Sprunger
Beyond the Music Lesson by Christine Goodner
Time to Practice with Christine Goodner